Concept Global de « Giro Space Center »
La Rééducation « Perceptive-Motive, Proximo-Distal, Circonscrite » Permanent
Highlights the importance of thoroughly rethinking the traditional work environment and integrating a "Giro Fitness Therapy"
space accessible at all hours.
Various platforms, equipped with dynamometric servomotors with linear or rotating displacement, serve as a support for a range of accessories allowing each movement to be modelled with the greatest precision.
"This device offers such a wide range of
possibilities that it stimulates creativity
and opens the door to almost unlimited possibilities for development
according to the needs of users"
Precocity (Adaptation): an ergonomic and multifunctional exercise environment
From neuro-motor disability to the physical preparation of athletes
In private, at the patient's bedside, in the hospital or in the physical preparation room, it allows you to exploit
all the registers of motor skills.
Progressiveness (Modeling): a proactive intelligent electronic environment
An "artificial intelligence" that models and endorses the right movement in real time
Associated with augmented reality, it dialogues with the patient, visualizes the intensity of the activity of the muscles used, promotes motivation and consistency of effort.
And the ability to remotely modify exercises while they are being performed
The user can continue to carry out their exercise programs and be supervised by their physiotherapist or physical trainer wherever they are in the world.
Continuity (collaboration): a creative and secure IT environment
- Statistical analysis of the evolution of pathologies.
- Automatic diagnosis and analysis of therapy results.
- Large-scale distribution of research protocols and their results.
- Rapid deployment of new features and innovations.